RockiesPhoto by Susan PageIt is awesome to see or experience God in the natural realm.

Examples include anything from a baby’s birth to witnessing a shooting star streaking across the night skies. The wonder that leaves one breathless while observing a butterfly emerging from its cocoon is amazing. An experience like driving through the magnificent Rocky Mountains with the roof down and fresh wind blowing gives goosebumps, both from the wind and the wonder.

How then do we react when there is a clear sense of the intervention of God in the natural realm?

I am pondering this because I read an incredible portion of Scripture from 2 Kings 6: 8-23. My word, talk about goosebumps! This is what happens when you dive into God’s Word. Even though I have read this story before, this time it jumped from the pages into my heart and left an indelible impression.

This passage contains an account of our fearless God's power, majesty, and protection.

The scene opens with Elisha the prophet, a devout man of God warning the King of Israel about the King of Syria’s numerous plans of attack on the nation of Israel. He knew these plans because God kept revealing them to him. This angered the King of Syria and he decided to capture Elisha.

We can only imagine what he might have had in mind for this man of God. He sent a great army with many chariots and horses to attack and seize Elisha.

When Elisha’s servant woke early and saw the Syrian troops, horses, and chariots, he panicked. Who wouldn’t? He cried out and Elisha responded with a response that I would like to engrave on my soul:

“Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Let us repeat this amazing statement, so that we retain it; “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them!”

Elisha asked God to open his servant’s eyes and miraculously the Lord did, and the servant saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire.

Where did they come from? Our God, the God who intervenes!

Wow, talk about those goosebumps!

The story concludes with the Syrian army arriving and Elisha asking God to close their eyes. God did and therefore Elisha was not recognized as he led them to Samaria where they could have been slaughtered as was suggested. However, Elisha extended a phenomenal display of grace, asking that the army be fed and sent back to their homes.

What a powerful example for us to emulate.

After this, the Syrians stayed away from Israel. You think? They had been blinded, led into captivity, treated graciously, fed, and released. This brings us to the all-important question: Whom shall we fear?

Like it says in the song by Chris Tomlin, “I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind, the God of angel armies, is always by my side.

Whether we fear ill health, loss of a career, persecution, pandemics, earthquakes, or even death itself, let us remember the God who goes before us. Let us not be afraid. There is more on our side than on the side of evil. He is the God of angel armies.

Oh Lord, open our eyes that we may see the unseen things of Your eternal Kingdom fighting our battles and winning the war.

“The crash of Your thunder was in the whirlwind;
Your lightnings lighted up the world;
the earth trembled and shook.
Your way was through the sea, Your path through the great waters;
yet Your footprints were unseen”
(Psalm 77: 18, 19).


Susan PageSusan Page is the daughter of the King, His beloved child, wonderfully forgiven and blessed! Susan longs to age gracefully, becoming more like Jesus as she seeks the hidden treasures revealed to her through Scripture, literature, the arts, humankind, and nature.