Paraplegic being lowered through the roof by his friendsThere is a fascinating story at the beginning of Mark’s Gospel, chapter two.

Use your imagination to visualize what happened in this short narrative. Crowds had gathered in Capernaum because Jesus was reported to be there. The news must have spread rapidly since the people spilled out of the house where Jesus was teaching.

Along came four men carrying their paralyzed friend. They could not navigate through the congestion to get close to Jesus. Imagine, the crowds did not even part for them. In biblical times, seeing a man on a stretcher was a common everyday occurrence. Even so, it would seem people should have let the men through, out of courtesy, but then, I am a polite Canadian.

These men decided that by whatever means possible they would get to Jesus. So, they devised a plan.

They went to the rooftop and decided to cut through the roof and lower their friend to Jesus. I wonder if this was a well-constructed plan, or just an impromptu idea put forth by the bravest of the lot. They were not concerned about doing damage to the roof. Can you picture it … did they tear the roof apart with their bare hands? The roofing material came from mud and straw, well-packed and solid.

What did the people think when they saw the roof being damaged? I love pondering these tiny details. Did they look up to see what was happening only to have dust, dirt, and straw sting their eyes? Did they yell at the men to stop?

When Jesus saw the faith of these men, he told the paralyzed man that his sins were forgiven. Jesus discerned the thoughts of the scribes who were silently questioning who He was to forgive sins. That must have thrown them for a loop.

After challenging the scribes, Jesus told the man to pick up his bed and go home, which he did!

The crowd was amazed and gave glory to God!

“I say to you, rise, pick up your bed, and go home.” And he rose and immediately picked up his bed and went out before them all so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, “We never saw anything like this!” (Mark 2: 11-12)

Reading this account recorded in God’s Word brings thoughts to mind for which I am eternally grateful. I am so thankful that God has placed a handful of friends who carry me when I cannot find my footing. It is not easy to walk alone, even on strong legs. One of life’s most valued possessions is deep-lasting friendship.

We all need people we can count on, especially when we struggle.

I am also thankful that Jesus discerns our thoughts and forgives us for our doubts. He also rewards our faith. I imagine that the Master’s heart was stirred by the efforts those men put forth on behalf of their friend. Jesus is pleased when we come alongside others, especially when we tell them about God’s redemptive love.

What an amazing story. This was a story of simple faith in action. Jesus saw that faith and He was moved with compassion. He offered healing, the healing of the man’s body and soul. Just imagine, such simple faith in action!

Lord, please increase our faith, so that we too may find healing.

Susan PageSusan Page is the daughter of the King, His beloved child, wonderfully forgiven and blessed! Susan longs to age gracefully, becoming more like Jesus as she seeks the hidden treasures revealed to her through Scripture, literature, the arts, humankind, and nature.