- photo by Susan PageEncouragement: giving hope or promise, to spur on ... to inspire with courage .. the raising of one’s confidence ... instilling life, energy, courage or vigour.
Did you ever take the time to think about what little effort it takes to encourage someone?
It’s something that can take minimal time while reaping lasting results.
There have been documented accounts where people on the brink of suicide have done an about-face because of an unexpected phone call that encouraged their heart.
Just imagine how blessed you would feel if God used you to impact someone’s life like that.
However, whether your words affect someone dramatically or just give a gentle boost to their day, a little encouragement goes a long way.
You might already be rationalizing away the idea that you could encourage someone today because you may think that the gift of encouragement is NOT one of your spiritual gifts.
In Romans 12:8 (NIV) Paul speaks about the use of the gifts we are given. He says: “If it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.”
All these gifts have a form of encouragement woven within them. Recently, someone sent me this line: “You are stronger than you know. More capable than you ever dreamed. And you are loved more than you could possibly imagine.”
These words were a boost to my spirit.
Let me give you a rather humorous example when I received encouragement. It was certainly unexpected.
One sweltering Sunday afternoon I set out with my camera to hike a nearby trail to try and capture that special photograph. Clothed in unfashionable hiking gear, wearing no make-up and traversing a rather challenging trail left me both exhilarated and grimy. Victory was sweet however as I enjoyed a private showing of dancing dragonflies. I was encouraged that I managed to capture some special photos. Upon completing the trail, I loaded my weary sweaty body into my steamy car.
Stopping at a local craft market to see if I could find a special tenth-anniversary gift for my sweet daughter and son-in-law was an unexpected last-minute detour. It was near closing time and my thought or perhaps my prayer was that I wouldn’t run into any acquaintances, given my appearance.
Feeling rather pleased with myself, with both the gift selection and the fact that I hadn’t bumped into any friends, I approached the check-out. Upon greeting the elderly cashier who was dressed to the nine’s and asking if she had a plain gift bag for my purchase, I was shocked to hear these words come out of her mouth: “Do you know how gorgeous you are?”
My first thought was that perhaps she was a visually challenged person. Immediately, another lady who looked identical to the first including outfit and bling accessories, said, “Yes, my sister and I were just discussing how attractive and fit you are.”
Well, by now there was a long line-up at the cash and I could feel myself turning crimson. I told these elderly identical twins that under the circumstances it was very hard to accept their compliment, but since it came in stereo format, I said thank-you.
These sisters continued chatting while they took the price tags off my purchases and added tissue to the gift bag. This would save me from having to stop at another store for wrapping … another bonus!
Commiserating with God on the drive home, my thoughts went like this: “Really Lord, I’ve been journeying alone for 7 years and the first compliment about my appearance comes from identical twin senior citizen women, and on one of my grungiest days! … How lucky am I?”
I couldn’t help but think of the importance of encouraging one another. Now, I don’t mean being disingenuous, but rather, encouraging one another in the Lord.
Maybe by doing so you can make another heart smile like mine did while reflecting on this experience. A word of encouragement can change another person’s day.
Another lesson that I am very slow to learn, is accepting a compliment with the grace that it is given. Maybe the Lord knew that I needed a compliment to be in stereo format!
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV)
“Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11 NIV)
Susan Page is the daughter of the King, His beloved child, wonderfully forgiven and blessed! Susan longs to age gracefully, becoming more like Jesus as she seeks the hidden treasures revealed to her through Scripture, literature, the arts, humankind, and nature.