water pouring over the rim of a fountain Have you ever turned on your hot water only to find out it's stone-cold?

Hot water is one of those instant blessings we consistently have without ever giving it a second thought. Turn on the hot water tap and … presto, out it comes.

Just the other day I had to shower with cold water and believe me, I did not enjoy the experience in the least. What a shocker! It got me thinking though.

Why do we take life’s daily blessings for granted?

Not only do we take them for granted, but we also quickly complain when they are not readily available to us, don’t we? I’m only speaking for myself, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you can relate. I continue to challenge myself with the thought that millions of people are without hot water or even clean drinking water for that matter.

One day while reading Joni Eareckson’s blog I was given another douse of cold water (pun intended).

At that time, Joni was celebrating fifty years as a quadriplegic. Fifty years without the use of her limbs. Yet, Joni said: “I can’t believe it’s been fifty years and God has been so faithful.”

She went on to quote from 1 Peter 5:10 “And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

A little while? It had been fifty years!

Quadriplegia, cancer, chronic pain, and a lifetime of sitting in that wheelchair, with grace and thanksgiving. This woman is truly an inspiration.

When planting my feet on the floor every morning, I hope that I will stop and consider what a gift it is. Even with the aches and pains that come with the aging process, I have little to complain about.

I don’t know if I could bear the weight of Joni’s affliction with such grace, selflessness and dignity. However, Joni gives all the glory to her Faithful Father, and that’s where the honour belongs. Joni can view things from a Heavenly perspective. She gets the big God picture better than most.

That is why she exudes such bountiful joy. She believes in all the promises of Scripture and can quote many of them by heart.

We get so caught up in thinking about our comfort and well-being, forgetting that all we have comes from God and all we have belongs to Him.

Instead of looking at things from an earthly viewpoint, I want to look at things from a higher vantage point. I want to be truly thankful for all that God provides.

Sometimes a douse of cold water brings refreshment that was not at all expected. Thank-you Jesus.


Susan PageSusan Page is the daughter of the King, His beloved child, wonderfully forgiven and blessed! Susan longs to age gracefully, becoming more like Jesus as she seeks the hidden treasures revealed to her through Scripture, literature, the arts, humankind, and nature.