"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works."
Ephesians 2:10
Some people have the idea that good works are only great, outstanding things done for the Kingdom of God. If that were true, there would be few good works. A good work is anything a Christian does in faith out of love to Christ, in harmony with God's will.
The Savior says: "Happy are you if you do these things," Any real Christian will testify that aside from the joy which comes from the . . .
"We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works."
Ephesians 2:10
Some people have the idea that good works are only great, outstanding things done for the Kingdom of God. If that were true, there would be few good works. A good work is anything a Christian does in faith out of love to Christ, in harmony with God's will.
The Savior says: "Happy are you if you do these things," Any real Christian will testify that aside from the joy which comes from the assurance of sins forgiven, there is no joy to exceed that joy which one experiences in serving the LORD. That's what makes life in this selfish world really worth living.
Christian friends, with God's artistic eye, He sees the potential in the most unpromising, hardest human material. With His loving hands, He begins to make of us a monument to His genius and grace. God loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, and made us alive in Christ. He can make you more like Christ if you put yourself in His hands.
In ourselves we may see hardened ground,
empty spaces that long to be filled;
But God sees our heart, and if we let Him start,
An image of Christ He will build.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Our rough edges must be chipped away to bring out the image of Christ.