"You are the salt of the earth."
- Matthew 5:13
One of the fundamental questions pertaining to life is the simple question: "What am I here for? Why am I in this world?" Our Savior has a very pointed answer to that question. He says: You are in this world to act like salt.
Salt is used to preserve from corruption and decay, and that is the nature of christians as salt. People may scoff at Christianity, but those scoffers forget that if it were not for the Christians, there would be no . . .
"You are the salt of the earth."
- Matthew 5:13
One of the fundamental questions pertaining to life is the simple question: "What am I here for? Why am I in this world?" Our Savior has a very pointed answer to that question. He says: You are in this world to act like salt.
Salt is used to preserve from corruption and decay, and that is the nature of christians as salt. People may scoff at Christianity, but those scoffers forget that if it were not for the Christians, there would be no check against the judgment of God upon a wicked world. Not the so-called wise and influential men of the world, but the Christians are the mainstay of society.
Christian friends, Christians are to act like salt in prerserving souls from eternal ruin. We are to be a seasoning unto men and give the things of life a better taste. We are to follow after righteousness, mercy and truth, then life becomes of greater worth and things acquire their proper taste.
Called to be salt and light in this world,
Called to preserve and to shine,
Called to reflect the glory of God
O, what a calling is mine.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - A salty Christian makes others thirsty for Jesus, the Water of life.