"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
- Leviticus 19:18
This passage was quoted by the lawyer in a conversation with Jesus about the demands of the Law in Luke 10:25-37. this man knew the Law well. But he began to quibble about its interpretation. His conscience must have accused him of not having done what he knew the Law required of him, to love thy neighbor as he loved himself. Jesus then related the story of . . .
"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
- Leviticus 19:18
This passage was quoted by the lawyer in a conversation with Jesus about the demands of the Law in Luke 10:25-37. this man knew the Law well. But he began to quibble about its interpretation. His conscience must have accused him of not having done what he knew the Law required of him, to love thy neighbor as he loved himself. Jesus then related the story of the Good Smaritan to show that we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
We, too, know this commandment from childhood: But do we always act accordingly? We, too, sometimes have difficulty with the application of this law of love to all with whom we come into contact in daily life, like those who are enemies of our nation, church; those who have hurt us or hate us.
Christian friends, We need to rethink this matter of loving our neighbor in the light of what Jesus has taught us and in His spirit tanslate it into practice. It will make us happier personally, someone else will be blessed, and God will be glorified. Resentmant will fade when the object of our ill will becomes the special object of our goodwill.
When anger lingers in our heart,
It poisions all we think and do;
But faith seeks ways to show God's love
And keeps our spirit strong and true.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - A grudge is one thing that does not get better when it is nursed.