"O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man who trusteth in Thee."
Psalm 84:12
God is honored when we express a childlike faith in Him. Simply to take Him at His word is to have the assurance that He always keeps His promises. And that fills the heart with great confidence.
One of my fondest memories of my teen years was when I acquired my very own bedroom and place to study in the corner of our basement. For weeks I had wanted it. Because of other responsibilities, my dad had delayed the project. But the next week he promised to get started on it. So I spent the next few days measuring . . .
"O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man who trusteth in Thee."
Psalm 84:12
God is honored when we express a childlike faith in Him. Simply to take Him at His word is to have the assurance that He always keeps His promises. And that fills the heart with great confidence.
One of my fondest memories of my teen years was when I acquired my very own bedroom and place to study in the corner of our basement. For weeks I had wanted it. Because of other responsibilities, my dad had delayed the project. But the next week he promised to get started on it. So I spent the next few days measuring the space, placing where I would put things. I believed my dad, and he did not disappoint me. I a few days with the help of grandfather my dad had the walls up and I got to help paint them. I felt like a queen in my new palace with a bathroom just off the bedroom. Grandfather even built me a large closet.
We can have a deeper and even more certain trust in our Heavenly Father. The songwriter expressed it well, "How firm a foundation, ye saints of the LORD, is laid for your faith in His excellent Word" Friends in Christ, you and I need a childlike faith. Then we'll know the meaning of Jeremiah 17:7, "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him."
Trust in the LORD and let His Word
Your every movement undergird;
Rest not alone on reason's creed,
For Heaven's wisdom is your need.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY- He pleases God best who trusts Him most!