"When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too."
- Luke 3:21
Luke emphasizes Jesus' human nature. Jesus was born to humble parents, a birth unannounced except to shepherds and foreigners. This baptism recorded here was the first public declaration of Jesus' Ministry. He understood His mission and at the age of 30 He began carrying it out. As Jesus prayed, God spoke and confirmed His decision to act. The Holy Spirit's appearance in the form of a dove showed that God's plan for salvation was centered in Jesus. Jesus was the perfect human who didn't need baptism for repentance, but He was baptized anyway on our behalf.
Jesus was baptized to give Baptism its power to save. He used it to equip Himself for the great work of salvation He would carry out. It would take . . .
"When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too."
- Luke 3:21
Luke emphasizes Jesus' human nature. Jesus was born to humble parents, a birth unannounced except to shepherds and foreigners. This baptism recorded here was the first public declaration of Jesus' Ministry. He understood His mission and at the age of 30 He began carrying it out. As Jesus prayed, God spoke and confirmed His decision to act. The Holy Spirit's appearance in the form of a dove showed that God's plan for salvation was centered in Jesus. Jesus was the perfect human who didn't need baptism for repentance, but He was baptized anyway on our behalf.
Jesus was baptized to give Baptism its power to save. He used it to equip Himself for the great work of salvation He would carry out. It would take strength and fortitude to stand the test of Calvary and His baptism anointed Him for that great work. Baptism gives you all the blessings Christ won for you. We appreciate all what our Father had done for us, and what, for Jesus' sake, He says to us: "You are My son, My daughter, whom I love; with you I am well pleased." Ask yourself...Is the Father able to truthfully say He is well pleased with me?
To Jordan came the Christ, our LORD,
To do His Father's pleasure;
Baptized by John, the Father's Word
Was given us to treasure.