"The LORD said to my father David, "Because it was in your heart to build a temple for my Name, you did well to have this in your heart."
- 2 Chronicles 6:8
The desire of David's heart was to build a temple for the LORD, but he was not allowed to proceed because he had shed blood abundantly, in much of his war-like activity. Recognizing God's goodness and mercy in this decision, the king responded without rebellion or bitterness. Although the LORD did not let David carry out his noble plans, He commended him for his good intentions. I believe He honored him in a different way, for he was given the privilege of writing by inspiration many beautiful psalms. They have become an enduring temple of praise.
The structure he wanted to erect with marble and . . .
"The LORD said to my father David, "Because it was in your heart to build a temple for my Name, you did well to have this in your heart."
- 2 Chronicles 6:8
The desire of David's heart was to build a temple for the LORD, but he was not allowed to proceed because he had shed blood abundantly, in much of his war-like activity. Recognizing God's goodness and mercy in this decision, the king responded without rebellion or bitterness. Although the LORD did not let David carry out his noble plans, He commended him for his good intentions. I believe He honored him in a different way, for he was given the privilege of writing by inspiration many beautiful psalms. They have become an enduring temple of praise.
The structure he wanted to erect with marble and gold (later built by Solomon) was completely demolished, but the words of David wrote still bless us today and are a part of God's truth which is forever settled in heaven. I think this greater accomplishment was given him partly because of his worthy ambition and, in turn, his uncomplaining acceptance of God's will.
Yes this lesson is clear. Though the LORD may not allow us to perform the service we would like to do for His glory, He may give us other worthwhile tasks. Because our testimony is marred in the eyes of men, God must sometimes limit the scope of our public endeavors. If our heart is right with Him, however, we will not become discouraged. Gladly yielding to His will, we may then achieve things for the LORD that will prove an even greater blessing. Take courage my Christian Friends, God who sees your heart will honor your good intentions.
Sometimes the service that we crave
Is blocked by sins of yesterday,
But God commends us for the thought
And wisely leads some other way.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Some lives that are blocked by divine prohibitions are really being blessed by divine providences.