"Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days."
Psalm 39:4
This new year is an unwritten book, we'll fill up its pages in the day and months to come. We enter it on the downside of Christmas. Like the newborn Jesus in the day's of Herod, we live in threatening times and in a perilous world. That could be truly disheartening were it not for the grace of our loving God and the lordship of our Savior King.
We need to take a good look at what's really important in our lives and find wisdom for the new year in our conclusions. Like the inspired author of Psalm 39, they realized that life is too short to waste time on . . .
"Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of my days."
Psalm 39:4
This new year is an unwritten book, we'll fill up its pages in the day and months to come. We enter it on the downside of Christmas. Like the newborn Jesus in the day's of Herod, we live in threatening times and in a perilous world. That could be truly disheartening were it not for the grace of our loving God and the lordship of our Savior King.
We need to take a good look at what's really important in our lives and find wisdom for the new year in our conclusions. Like the inspired author of Psalm 39, they realized that life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting significance or value. vv. 4-6
Have you put your trust completely in the LORD, knowing that only He can give lasting value to your life. As we look ahead to a new year, can we say with the Psalmist, "My hope is in You." v.7
Let us look at the marvelous record of the grace of God and the way His grace and love have been so freely given to us and all people in the past year. Let it serve as a source of encouragement as we face whatever challenges this new year may hold for us. God has a long and reliable record of leading His people through troubled times.
God alone can deliver us from a life of meaningless activities. Let's not wait for a close scrape with death to convince us of the paramount importance of making the most out of life.
One life for Christ is all I have, one life for Him so dear; one life for doing all I can with every passing year.
PRAY - O LORD Christ our Savior dear, bless us and be near us. Grant us now a glad new year, Amen, Jesus, hear us.