This is day the LORD hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Isaiah 42:14-21
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:13-39
Psalm 142
We who have our eyesight live in a world full of light. Light comes to us in countless forms and colors. So much light surrounds us that we miss more of it than we see, and what we do see is so familiar that we ignore it. We are blind to most of the light in our lives.
The situation is not so different when the light in question is not visual light but the . . .

This is day the LORD hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Isaiah 42:14-21
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:13-39
Psalm 142
We who have our eyesight live in a world full of light. Light comes to us in countless forms and colors. So much light surrounds us that we miss more of it than we see, and what we do see is so familiar that we ignore it. We are blind to most of the light in our lives.
The situation is not so different when the light in question is not visual light but the light that is Christ. The beginning of the Gospel of John tells us that "what has come into being in Him was life, and the life was the light of all people." Like sunsnine, the light that is  Christ shines for all people.
We are often blind to the light that is Christ, just as the religious leaders are in today's gospel. We erect screens before ourselves, letting light filter through only those openings that we determine and control. But God's Spirit cannot be contained by us. God wants to overcome our stubborn blindness. In the lesson today, Jesus sent the man born blind to wash in the waters of Siloam. The man returned healed of his blindness.
Christian friends, In this Lenten Season we prepare to go, or return, to the waters of baptism. In these waters our own blindness again will be washed away. Then we, too, will be able to see Christ's light and confess with the man, "LORD, I believe." We will walk as children of light.
If we should hide our shining light
And not reflect God's Son,
Then how will others in sin's night,
Be guided, helped, and won?
PRAY - Almighty God, because You know that we of ourselves have no strength, keep us both outwardly and inwardly that we may be defended from all adversities that may happen to the body and from all evil thoughts that may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our LORD, Amen