T.G.I.F. (Easter version - to be read on Good Friday)
"T.G.I.F.," under normal circumstances, means "Thank God, it's Friday!" - we smile, relax and look forward to a much-needed weekend break. Well, today is Friday, but it is no "normal" Friday - it is Good Friday, the day we commemorate our Lord's death on the Cross. Let us acknowledge THIS day--with holy awareness and heart-felt thanksgiving...
So what do we say TODAY? "It's Friday...and He's faithful! It's Friday...and He's forgiving! It's Friday...and He's my Friend!" All because of the Cross; all because on that momentous day in history when He defeated sin, death and hell forevermore. Our Lord came face to face with His foe--and ours. He has "bruised the serpent's head" and He's become our conquering King! We can shout for all our todays and all of our tomorrows, wherever we are and . . .
T.G.I.F. (Easter version - to be read on Good Friday)
"T.G.I.F.," under normal circumstances, means "Thank God, it's Friday!" - we smile, relax and look forward to a much-needed weekend break. Well, today is Friday, but it is no "normal" Friday - it is Good Friday, the day we commemorate our Lord's death on the Cross. Let us acknowledge THIS day--with holy awareness and heart-felt thanksgiving...
So what do we say TODAY? "It's Friday...and He's faithful! It's Friday...and He's forgiving! It's Friday...and He's my Friend!" All because of the Cross; all because on that momentous day in history when He defeated sin, death and hell forevermore. Our Lord came face to face with His foe--and ours. He has "bruised the serpent's head" and He's become our conquering King! We can shout for all our todays and all of our tomorrows, wherever we are and wherever we go:
What does that mean to ME this Holy Week? The finished work on Calvary frames the portrait of my life. And as I live within its boundaries, I am "free, yes, free indeed!" When Satan, the accuser of the brethren, rears his ugly head in my face, I can say, "Devil, it's Friday, and He's faithful! It's Friday, and I'm forgiven! It's Friday and my Friend has set me free! It's Friday--and IT IS FINISHED! T.G.I.F.!! Believe it--and have a wonderful Easter celebration!
Scripture: For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)."
"Looking unto Jesus, the author and FINISHER of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2)."
Prayer: "Lord, it's another memorable day as we bow in thanksgiving to acknowledge and receive once again Your grace and love. Burn within us Your cry from the Cross, "It is finished!" and let us know the victory and finality of those words in our own hearts and lives this day, In Jesus Name, Amen."
Copyright 2007 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, Mo. Used by permission.
Visit "The Devotional Buffet" for more: http://www.peggiesplace.com/buffet.htm
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"the most fun Christian home on the Web."