There is a new funny dog picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You'll find "Death Star" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
There is a new funny dog picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You'll find "Death Star" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Thank you all for your kind words of appreciation as the Cybersalt Digest returned to your inboxes yesterday. As you may have noticed, mailings now feature a link you can use to read each edition online if you prefer.
There is a new funny sign on the Cybersalt site today. You will find "Baptist Air Conditioner" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
No, this is not an April Fools joke - I really am sending out the Cybersalt Digest today! I figured that since yesterday (Easter Sunday) was a day of celebration of Jesus' resurrection, today would be a good day to resurrect the digest. To be fair, it wasn't really dead, just waiting patiently for me to get caught up on all the work I have to do. But since that will never happen, I'm just doing it anyway!
So with that in mind, there is a new entry in the FunBlog today. You'll find "Super Mario Cat" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Sunday greetings everyone!
Yes it's been almost a month since I last posted. Lets just say that January was one of the busiest and emotionally demanding Januarys I've had in a long time. But forget about that, I have great big news to share with you.
Congratulations to my daughter and son-in-law (Alyssa and Matt) on the birth of their first child, Torre Clayton Sampson, born on February 10 at 1:25am and weighing in at 8 pounds even.
Of course, this means that Mrs. Cybersalt and I are now Grandma and Grandpa Cybersalt! I'd tell you more about our day with them as we shared their home birth experience, but as I write this it's after 8:00 pm and that is way too late for a grandfather to be up.
So, I'll sign off for now after I mention that the Westside Bible Church web site has been updated with the latest recording of my sermons - including the final messages in my series on the Ten Commandments. You'll find them at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Sunday greetings everyone.
Sorry there haven't been any mailings in over a week. I've been crazy busy getting ready for our church's annual general meeting. Periodically someone reads one of my jokes and says, "Don't quit your day job." Don't worry - I haven't and to prove it the Westside Bible Church web site has been updated with my messages from December 30 and January 6. Does hearing the promises of God get you feeling better but not more much beyond that? Are you facing walls in your life that seem insurmountable? Both of these messages are for you then. You'll find "Invest Yourself" and "Facing Life's Walls" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
There is a new funny cat picture on the Cybersalt site today (sorry S.M. Chinnery, lol). You'll find "Timing is Everything" at:
While I have you - MAC or PC? Now is your chance to help me decide. I use the brain training site "" - I know it seems like a gimmic but it has really helped give my brain a tune-up. Anyway, I've entered a contest with them by saying why I enjoy their program. If I get the most votes for my reason, I could win a MacBook Air which would help prove once and for all if I really am missing something being a PC guy. If you are on Facebook and don't mind voting you can do so at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Oh look, yesterday was Chicken Thursday! Thanks to L.B. Farley for reminding me!
There is a new funny picture on the Cybersalt site today. You'll find "Aquarium Cleaner" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Happy New Year everybody!
I just realized that 2013 will mark the 15th anniversary of Cybersalt. The first joke sent to the original "Pastor Tim's CleanLaugh List" went out on September 28, 1998. I'm still pretty amazed that I was able to accomplish that at the young age of 10! Anyway, I'm going to have to try to think up a fun way to mark the occasion. If you have an ideas (other than "get a life") e-mail me with "Cybersalt 15th" in the subject.
Enough about the future - there is a new funny picture page on the site today. You will find "Find Your Neighbors" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's digest.
Stories of the difference that Jesus Christ
makes in a life given to Him.
News from the world of missions.
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.