It was recently announced that Dr. Ravi Zacharias, of the most respected thinkers and apologists of this generation, is terminally ill with cancer. In this week's video share (a new habit or tradition it seems I've started on my Sunday mailings), I thought I'd share this video from Dr. Zacharias; "Truth in a Time of Crisis."
Rev. James Snyder and his wife have been keeping company with each other quite a bit and that has him thinking a lot about time. You can read "What’s Time Got to Do with It?" at:
One of the new (to me) quotes from the last couple of weeks is "We're not all in the same boat, we're all in the same storm." I was reminded of this today when I received a call from a refugee who was obviously having a very low moment. He, his wife and 4 children live in a 10 foot by 20 foot single room apartment. They face a huge fine if they are caught taking their children outside during their current quarantine. Their children have been inside for 6 weeks straight.
This is a blessed family because they do have a church who wants to sponsor them to come to Canada, but they still face a hard road because when refugee interviews (conducted by the Canadian government) are able to resume, there may still be a 2 year wait for their interview, and during that time they will be in danger of being arrested and sent back to their persecutors. In this storm we're all in, let's be grateful for what we have and also pray for and be practical towards those with smaller boats than ours.
Wash your hands, keep safe and enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Today is Mother's Day and with the worldwide pandemic it will be a very different one for most of us. Today, let's also remember that Mother's day was already difficult for many and, if that is true of you today, I pray that your hearts will feel the love and comfort of Jesus who sees you.
With these thoughts in mind I am sharing this video with you. "His Eye Is On the Sparrow" is a favourite of mine and this rendition by Whitney Houston is a great one, not only because the singing is great, but also for the same reason many of you are thinking, "But Pastor Tim, Whitney Houston [insert comment here]!"
I am well aware of the story of Whitney Houston's life, but that doesn't change the fact that Jesus eye is on even the sparrow (Luke 12:6). The Bible is not true only when perfect people preach it or sing it - or those pretending to be perfect do the same thing. It is true because it is true and all of us, especially when our lives are hot messes, need to remember that so we can sing them and even cling to them in our hardest days.
Rev. James Snyder and his wife have been sheltering in place together, and their place is definitely benefiting from it. You can read "There’s Always Tomorrow" at:
Down through my life many people have wished I would cover my face when going out in public. Wish granted!
Grandma Cybersalt and I are very thankful to a friend of ours who sewed these masks for us. It seems odd to think about going out in public wearing them (our provincial medical doctor is still asking us to wait two more weeks before "doubling our bubble") but not as weird as risking the lives of others or ourselves.
Speaking of weird, I've noticed a very strange new type of person on my TV. People who claim to be pro-life while at the same time arguing for the sacrifice of the elderly and weaker members of society for their own gain and comfortable standard of living. Just imagine the thoughts of those who sacrificed their own lives in WW2, so their children could live long lives in peace, if you were to tell them a future generation would sacrifice those same children as seniors for a haircut and a hamburger.
Wash your hands, keep safe and enjoy the rest of today's mailing!