Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
I am wondering if anyone out there has a website that needs a redo or major redesign? A refugee we have been in contact with for many years has lost the financial help he was receiving from some supporters in Europe. The financial hardships of the times there (and the upcoming expensive winter) mean they can no longer afford to send him money for his daily living.
Cybersalt is growing and I can help him by giving him a job, but I'm not in a place where I can pay to train him him unless there is a paying project specifically for him to work on. This can be a win-win situation for all involved because I am willing to throw in a year of webhosting, a year of site monitoring and security updates, and I promise the price I quote for the work will be below what I normally charge and all will go to him. Of course, I will be supervising and the end product will be excellent and professional. If you are interested, please email me at tim@cybersalt.com
Today's video share is about a kind of seaweed that when mixed into the feed of cattle all but eliminates the methane in cow burps. I suspect that Grandma Cybersalt will start mixing seaweed in my food for the same reason after she watches "What Seaweed and Cow Burps Have to Do with Climate Change."
Click here to watch the video.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim