"The reason many of us stop praying and become hard toward God is that we only have an emotional interest in prayer."
- Oswald Chambers
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
"The reason many of us stop praying and become hard toward God is that we only have an emotional interest in prayer."
- Oswald Chambers
"Pain demands to be felt, or it will demand you feel nothing at all."
- Natasha Robinson
"The point of prayer is not to get answers from God, but to have perfect and complete oneness with Him."
- Oswald Chambers
"While others are congratulating themselves, I lie humbly at the foot of Christ's cross and marvel that I am saved at all."
- C. H. Spurgeon
"The seven capital sins are: policies without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without awareness, knowledge without character, business without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice."
- E. Stanley Jones
"In the early stages of our Christian life, we do not watch with Jesus, we watch for Him."
- Oswald Chambers
"When obedience to God contradicts what I think will give me pleasure, let me ask myself if I love Him."
- Elisabeth Elliot
"If you ask, 'Why is this happening?' no light will come, but if you ask, 'How am I to glorify God now?' there will always be an answer."
- J. I. Packer