Sometimes bad things happen to make the good things even sweeter.
- Unknown
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
"You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You are here to be you, not to live someone else's life."
- Ralph Marston
"Who are you if your story begins to change? Do not be so loyal to your suffering that your healing doesn't stand a chance."
- Unknown
When Parents Get Old ...
Let them grow old with the same love that they let you grow ...
Let them speak and tell repeated stories with the same patience and interest that they heard yours as a child ...
Let them overcome, like so many times when they let you win ...
Let them enjoy their friends just as they let you …
"It takes two years to learn to speak and sixty to learn to keep quiet."
- Ernest Hemingway
"When we give each other Christmas gifts in His name, let us remember that He has given us the sun and the moon and the stars, and the earth with its forests and mountains and oceans - and all that lives and move upon them."
- Sigrid Undset
Sometimes the best Christmas present is remembering what you've already got.
- Cathy Guisewite
"Now you would think that if God so rules the world as to use an empire-wide census to bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, he surely could have seen to it that a room was available in the inn.
"Yes, he could have. And Jesus could have been born into a wealthy family. He could have turned stone into bread in the wilderness. He could have called 10,000 angels to his aid in Gethsemane. He could have come down from the cross and saved himself. The question is not what God could do, but what He willed to do."
- John Piper, Good News of Great Joy: Daily Readings for Advent