"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard and not seen."
- Leonardo Da Vinci
"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard and not seen."
- Leonardo Da Vinci
"Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes."
~ Antisthenes
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought, which they avoid."
~Soren Kierkegaard
"People will accept your ideas much more readily if you tell them Benjamin Franklin said it first."
-David H. Comins
Featured Illustration items are well suited for introducing or illuminating a point in a sermon, speech, or devotional. Funny, moving, or perhaps even graphic, the point of them is the point you make with them.
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
A discussion about Truth and Reconciliation with two members of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, and a member and Chief of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation.
To find and watch other parts of this video series, visit the playlist at: