"A turtle makes progress when it sticks its head out."
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"Life has become so complex that not even teenagers have all the answers anymore."
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With some misgivings, we left a young baby-sitter in charge of our three energetic youngsters.
When we returned a few hours later, she was sitting alone watching TV. I went to check on the children, and found them in our narrow hallway. By bracing their arms and legs against the walls, two of them had climbed up to the ceiling.
"The baby-sitter taught us how," they said gleefully.
The sitter joined me, her face a deep red. "Since they had me climbing the walls, I figured they might as well be too," she stammered.
We kept the same girl for the next two years.
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A Priceless Gift
by Helen Steiner Rice
Friendship is a priceless gift
That can't be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater
Than a mountain made of gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless,
It cannot see nor hear,
And in your times of trouble,
It is powerless to cheer.
It has no ears to listen,
No heart to understand.
It cannot bring you comfort
Or reach out a helping hand.
So when you ask God for a gift,
Be thankful that he sends,
Not diamonds, pearls, or riches,
But the love of a real, true friend.
Videos Article Count: 47
Illustrations Article Count: 1197
Featured Illustration items are well suited for introducing or illuminating a point in a sermon, speech, or devotional. Funny, moving, or perhaps even graphic, the point of them is the point you make with them.
Quotes Article Count: 2310
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
Sermons Article Count: 523
Christmas Article Count: 40
Easter Article Count: 14
Ten Commandments Article Count: 10
Thanksgiving Article Count: 12
Truth and Reconciliation Article Count: 10
A discussion about Truth and Reconciliation with two members of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, and a member and Chief of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation.
To find and watch other parts of this video series, visit the playlist at: