"The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in the fire; the purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame."
- King Solomon
"The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in the fire; the purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little fame."
- King Solomon
"When trials persist, God's intention is not that we give up; rather He wants us to grow up!"
- Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
While watching a movie recently, I couldn't hear the dialogue over the chatter of the two women sitting in front of me. Unable to bear it any longer, I tapped one of them on the shoulder.
"Excuse me," I said, "I can't hear."
"I should hope not," she replied sharply. "This is a private conversation."
What Jesus does in the lives of others in the church can be a source of hope for our own walk with Him if we take our place in that crowd.
Featured Illustration items are well suited for introducing or illuminating a point in a sermon, speech, or devotional. Funny, moving, or perhaps even graphic, the point of them is the point you make with them.
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
A discussion about Truth and Reconciliation with two members of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, and a member and Chief of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation.
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