"The devil is not the only one allowed to influence the culture."
- Unknown
One time A. W. Tozer was asked to come to a meeting of the Fundamentalists of Chicago who were greatly distressed that the ecumenical council and Council of Churches had invited Billy Graham to come to Chicago.
Were they going to support it? So they asked Dr. Tozer to come.
Dr. Tozer attended and sat over against the wall. He knew his voice was weak and he didn't have great strength, so he would sit against a wall if he was going to speak so it would reflect his voice. Out came the notebook, out came the pen, and he listened and listened.
Finally, he said, "Mr. Chairman." "Yes, Dr. Tozer."
"I want to say that I have met Billy Graham. He did me the great honor of coming to see me in my study. I don't agree with everything Billy Graham says anymore than I agree with everything anybody says. But I want to warn you about something. It's possible for any of us to run against the wrong object and bend our lance for good. Now, come on brethren, let’s take our hair down. You could line all the fundamentalist in the United States up in one line and start them to preaching and they would have less effect on the United States than Billy Graham would have just clearing his throat."
Submitted by Rev. James Snyder
"Hope has two beautiful daughters: anger and courage. Anger at the way things are and courage to ensure they don't stay that way."
- Augustine
Seeing my 11-year-old son perusing a website filled with photos of Britney Spears, I commented, "She certainly is pretty. Which picture do you like best?"
"I don't know," he mumbled, embarrassed by his newfound interest in girls. "I'm just reading about her."
I came closer and peered at the screen."Oh, really?" I said.
"So when did you learn to read Spanish?
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A discussion about Truth and Reconciliation with two members of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, and a member and Chief of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation.
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