Little Johnny was reading from a Hans Christian Anderson book.
"Miss Howell?" little Johnny asked his first grade teacher. "Does m-i-r-a-g-e spell marriage?"
"No Johnny," sighed the teacher. "But perhaps it should."
Little Johnny was reading from a Hans Christian Anderson book.
"Miss Howell?" little Johnny asked his first grade teacher. "Does m-i-r-a-g-e spell marriage?"
"No Johnny," sighed the teacher. "But perhaps it should."
I know that I shall never see
A man who loves as much as Thee.
My God you gave up your own Son
For to ransom everyone!
Oh what ugly wounds He bore!
Ahead, He knew what was in store.
First they bruised Him savagely.
This was for our iniquity.
"Fear does not stop death - it stops life.
And worrying does not take away tomorrow's troubles - it takes away today's peace."
- unknown
While discussing the plight of Driver's license examiners, a former motor-vehicle-bureau director told about a woman who was parallel parking.
The examiner asked her, "could you get a little closer?"
"When you have a friend that's going thru a personal storm, instead of being a weatherman and spreading the news, try being an umbrella and cover them with love."
- unknown
Featured Illustration items are well suited for introducing or illuminating a point in a sermon, speech, or devotional. Funny, moving, or perhaps even graphic, the point of them is the point you make with them.
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
A discussion about Truth and Reconciliation with two members of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, and a member and Chief of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation.
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