Letters to Pastor: 1. Dear Pastor.. 2. Halo On Too Tight!! 3. Good Preachers Gone Bad??
PREACH IT (sermonizing) STYLE POINTS DON'T MINCE WORDS PREACHING OUTSIDE THE BOX PASTOR TOUGH GUYS PASTORAL CANDIDATES | A PIECE OF YOUR MIND Hey Preacher Man.. wannna know what I think? - I want to be a pastor just like you - Hey preacher, try making a point - Hey preacher, I won't be ignored! - Hey preacher, No more hell fire sermons please - Hey preacher, I don't like your wife - Hey preacher, your teeth are YELLOW - Hey preacher, we need a JUMBOTRON - Hey preacher, Is that you? (anesthesiologist) - Voo Doo Dolls? that's not exhortation!
- Geek the Preach, & Geek meets Greek - Adult Bookstore - Typo Newsletter STAFF MEETINGS MONEY MGMT. THEOLOGIES? and finally.. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ |