Another Chicken PictureOh look, Chicken Thursday!

It's an exciting day at Cybersalt World Headquarters. I have a dentist appointment this morning, but that's not why. I also have a chiropractic appointment in the afternoon, but that's also not why. Grandma Cybersalt's new glasses are ready for pickup, but that is still not why. (Lol, doesn't it sounds like we're falling apart?)

No, after all that cleaning, cracking and "bespectacling", we will be heading to the airport to meet a refugee family who are coming to our community 3 years after the sponsorship process began and 8 years after they had to flee their homeland for their lives. I sometimes shed tears when someone is at the airport leaving, but I this might be a time when it happens because someone is arriving! I'll be sure to keep you posted.

Today's video share is part of a standup routine by Tim Hawkins. It had me laughing out loud as I was working a few days ago, so I hope it has the same effect on you.

 Click here to watch the video.

~ Pastor Tim