serverSunday Greetings everyone.

Here is a server-change update: If you have an AOL, Yahoo, Verizon, or Rogers email address, last Sunday's newsletter arrived very, very late. In fact, 10% of subscribers received it 3 days late. It will be this way for you for a little while until those companies' artificial intelligence learn my IP has changed and get used to the rate of sending on it or if you switch to subscribing with a Gmail address ;-)

Last Thursday's email did not go out due to a glitch in the newsletter software I use. I think it is solved. If you are reading this it is!

And now for our regular Sunday programming. On a recent trip to the doctor's office, Rev. James Snyder realized he's not as old as he thought. You can read "I Didn’t Know How Young I Really Was" at:

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.

~ Pastor Tim