Sunday greetings everyone!

spirit code by harold mcnabbSorry for there being no mailing last Chicken Thursday. Every now and then I have a touch of arthritis in my right foot and a really bad flare up had me stuck on the couch for the day; across the room, but very far away, from the computer.  Things seem to be on the mend, much slower this time, so hopefully I'll be back in the full swing of things soon!

Congratulations to my good friend, Dr. Harold McNabb, on the publishing of his book, "Spirit Code."  Harold is my "coffee every Friday afternoon" friend - a routine I am hoping returns once COVID settles down.  He has been working on his book for a number of years and there is a character in the book with my name. Apparently the character is a heretic, so he's not an exact match to me, lol. Here is a description of his novel:

Most of the time, mistakes cost you, but now and then lead to a lucky break.

A spur of the moment detour into a small town, for example, could lead to nothing but a wasted half-hour, or it could be the hinge that changes your life. Josh Parker, alone with only his Basset hound, Max, and a small inheritance in his pocket, ventures in Glenview, a town he hadn't planned to visit. His life soon takes a decisive detour. He encounters the beautiful Elizabeth Guthrie and buys an old church with a secret past leading to an encounter with Arnon, a warrior angel. A small but determined group of opponents will stop at nothing in their quest to thwart Arnon's mission in the lives of Josh and Elizabeth.

This novel is set up as the first in a series of at least three books featuring Josh and Elizabeth Parker, their dog Max, and from time to time, the angel Arnon.

You can order a digital version of the book through this link:

Today's video share is an interesting, nighttime interaction between a racoon and an owl: 

Click here to watch the video.

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim