Beast and the BeautySunday greetings everyone!
There was no Cybersalt Digest last Chicken Thursday because Wednesday (which is when we put the newsletter in the oven) was Grandma Cybersalt and my 31st anniversary. Plus, my best friend from childhood, his wife, and 4 of their kids are visiting with us from Back East, so needless to say things have been hopping around Cybersalt World Headquarters.
My sermon from last Sunday is now on the Westside Bible Church website. You can listen to "The Me and We of Jesus' Church" at:
There are two new Rev. James Snyder devotionals on the Cybersalt site today. You can read "Celebration Has Become a Way of Life for Me" at:
You can also read "I Didn’t Win $750 Million" (Which is why I didn't jump on an airplane this week to meet James Snyder in person this week) at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim