Sunday greetings everyone!

This past week, I made another trip to Avatar Grove here on Vancouver Island. I thought I'd share a picture of myself with a different tree there. This is perhaps the largest example of a "nurse log" I or anyone will ever see. Basically, a tree fell and died a very long time ago and a seed landed on it and grew from there. These are both cedar trees, which is why I think the nurse log has not yet rotted away in the hundreds of years it has taken for the tree to grow on top of it (and shelter it.)

New on the Cybersalt Site today, Rev. James Snyder recently celebrated 48 years of marriage. The passage of that time has him searching for St. Sanity. You can read "I Sure Do Miss St. Sanity" at:

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim

avatar grove nurse log