Folks, we don't know what tomorrow holds! One day, we might be totally healthy, full of life, and having a grand life. The next, things may flip completely around, and we might . . .
Today, in the beauty shop, I saw an older couple that I've known for many years, probably 45 or more. I was so stunned at their appearance. They lost their youngest son about two years ago, who was much younger than me. It almost broke her heart! Her health has steady declined since that day. It all started with depression, nerves, and then her back and leg problems. Now, she's hardly able to get around without a walker or cane. Today, I almost could not believe her husband. He has lost so much weight! After they left, I asked the beautician his problem, because I had been missing them on Friday, since I am usually in there very early in the mornings. She said he just found out he has lung cancer, and is going for consultation, to see about starting chemotherapy. This hurt me so much, seeing this older couple (both in their early 80's), who, only a few years ago, had so much to live for, and were so healthy.
Folks, we don't know what tomorrow holds! One day, we might be totally healthy, full of life, and having a grand life. The next, things may flip completely around, and we might be desperately needing help! This happened to my younger brother just on New Year's Eve. A guy that looks the picture of health, never had any heart problems, and constantly keeps his health checked with Doctor visits, has a heart attack and his heart stopped and had to be shocked back to life. He's about to undergo five by passes. The Doctors told him, had the paramedics showed up at his house just five minutes later, he'd not be here today to tell about this. As it was, a stint is saving his life, at the moment, just getting him ready for surgery.
In every situation, God should be the one we lean on, long before we lean on anyone else. I do believe God puts Doctors here for a reason, and gives them the ability to save lives, and work miracles in many lives. But, we need to first give our whole being to God, and trust Him completely. He made us, and knows everything we go through. He knows every ache, every pain, every sickness, and has the medicine for each of those!
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Psalms 18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.