Barb's Mantle

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We can do all of the above, yet, we might be remembered for the little things we did or didn't do. Are you one who gossips about others? Do you run red lights, race through traffic, bad mouth the police in front of others? Are you truthful? Do you say one thing and then do another? Do you tell 'little white lies' for the truth? Do you pay your bills? Do you keep your promises, or are you the kind that makes a promise, and has no problem in breaking it? Are you a peaceful-type person, or are you angry most of the time? Is it easy for you to forgive and forget, or do you constantly bring up something that happened in the past?
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That day took place 41 years ago this Valentine Day. We've had many of those romantic days together, and look forward to many more. He no longer has to be ?after my heart?, for he's had it for so long. But, women are a little different than men, in that . . .
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Folks, we don't know what tomorrow holds! One day, we might be totally healthy, full of life, and having a grand life. The next, things may flip completely around, and we might . . .
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All of us want to be loved. There's a need instilled within us that just strives for attention and love. Lots of people get like and love all mixed up. You can like someone, but not love them. Or, you can love someone and not really like how they are.
Love, in the secular sense, is sometimes mistaken to always be intimacy with someone. That is not always the case. We can have an affection for someone, feel very close to them, as in our siblings, parents, or kinfolks. Then, there is the attraction we feel toward someone, as if we feel a oneness with them ,someone with whom we would like to spend our life.
There is a closeness we feel with someone, when we really love them. When they hurt, we hurt. When they have problems, it hurts us to . . .
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There are many out there who have a 'plate full'; in other words, they have more than their share of the bad things of life. Those families of South East Asia who were hit by the tsunami surely have their plates full - more than enough to last them for a life time. So many have lost loved ones, whole families, and neighbors, not to mention all their life's belongings. In only a few minutes, their lives were forever changed. Lives were swept to sea, homes and businesses vanished, and life would never be the same. Even the landscapes completely changed, with one whole island being swept away.
How would those of us not affected have handled such a tragedy? Would we be able to pick up the pieces and go on living life from day to day? Having only the clothes on our backs, would we come back fighting?
We have so much to be thankful for every day we live. Unlike those that lost their lives in the tsunami floods, we still have our life. We still have the ability to