Monthly Archive

November 2013
Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 24 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

Tis the Season to Stuff Myself

Now that summer is out of the way and the holiday season has begun, I can throw out the kitchen window all of those diet restrictions introduced by the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. After all, t... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Facebook Turkeys

Birds of a feather Facebook together! ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Hebrews Wrap Up - Part 4

This sermon looks at the last of the practical encouragements and directions for followers of Jesus found at the end of Hebrews. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20131124.mp3{/audio} Dow... read more..

Pastor Tim

Hebrews Wrap Up - Part 3

The book of Hebrews wraps up with a number of practical encouragements and directions for followers of Jesus.  Here is a look at still more of them. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm2013... read more..

General News
Pastor Tim

Remembrance Day

Thank you to all our vets for their sacrifice and service!  ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Hebrews Wrap Up - Part 2

The book of Hebrews wraps up with a number of practical encouragements and directions for followers of Jesus.  Here is a look at more of them. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20131110.m... read more..

Jeff Larson

Ostrich Mentor for the church

This article page shares the concern of a church who became so timid they no longer shared God' loving but firm teachings read more..

Pastor Tim

Homeless Veteran Time Lapse Transformation

This is a great reminder to have love for humanity.  ... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - November 8, 2013

There haven't been any mailings for a few days because I was relaxing and enjoying a visit from my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson!  One of the highlights of the week was having them with me w... read more..

Cybersalt Shaker
Pastor Tim

Have Sex and Die - Cybersalt Shaker Episode #010

The Goldstream River salmon run spawns this reflection on Romans 13:13+14. ... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Golfing Seniors

A foursome of senior golfers hit the course with waning enthusiasm for the sport. "These hills are getting steeper as the years go by," one complained. "These fairways seem to be getting longer too,... read more..

Pastor Tim

Country Cemetery

A number of years ago my wife and I were living in Arkansas, where I was pastoring a church. Some friends came from Texas to visit. We drove them around to see the country side and drove by a country... read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1395

"Marriage is more than four bare legs in a bed."- Hoshang N. Akhtar read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Chess Set

I just pulled out my old chess set and found several of the small pieces missing. It looks like I need to make a trip to the old Pawn Shop. read more..

Pastor Tim

One-liner #0947

I think the discovery channel should be on a different channel every day. read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Lingering Hug

We had made some changes in our lives. My husband had lost 50 pounds and after eight years of being a housewife, I had taken a job in a restaurant. When I returned home after my first day at work, I... read more..

Pastor Tim

Hebrews Wrap Up - Part 1

The book of Hebrews wraps up with a number of practical encouragements and directions for followers of Jesus. Here is a look at the first number of them. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm2013... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - November 2, 2013

There is a new funny sign picture on the Cybersalt Site today.  You will find "Tudoring" Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim


Need help fulfilling your role in a Welsh dynasty? Call today! ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Horseshoe Superstition

An American scientist once visited the offices of the great Nobel Prize-winning physicist, Neils Bohr, in Copenhagen, and was amazed to find that over his desk a horseshoe was nailed to the wall. The... read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1394

"Corporate worship is designed to take your eyes off you and have them filled with the beauty of the grace and glory of God." - Paul Tripp read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Surgery Kit

  If you don't trust doctors then buy this new product. It's a home surgery kit called "Suture Self".   read more..

Pastor Tim

One-liner #0946

I wish conversations were like user agreements where I could skip to the end and just agree. read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Hair Curlers

My wife still uses curlers in her hair after she washes it. The other night she came into the Family Room as I was watching TV. I guess I stared at her funny because she said, "I just set my hair." ... read more..

Results 1 - 24 of 24