Monthly Archive

February 2013
Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 21 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
3 min read

Three Things Thursday [Vol. 15]

Everyone knows there is not much to newborns – they eat, sleep and poop, and somehow that’s enough to make us fall in love with them. It has been less than a month since Torre joined our l... read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

Prayer and Work

I have a devotional book that has daily meditations from the letters, writings and sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I’m not at all consistent about it, I just pick it up from time to time, and to... read more..

Pastor Tim

Helping The Lost

Guest preacher Richard Steele reminds us that God has a place for the lost of our world and calls us to reach out show them that God loves them and is there for them. Listen Online: {audio}p... read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

Motherhood Strikes

I have loved settling in to the reality of being a mother. Torre has been such an easy baby so far, my sleep has been interrupted, but I haven’t been exhausted, and the joy of being able to meet... read more..

Jeff Larson

Route 666

This Christian cartoon illustrates the gospel truth that the road to Hell is wide while the road to Heaven is narrow read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

Torre’s Name

A lot of people have asked how we chose Torre’s name, and the internet is filled with sites that say names mean all kinds of things, so rather than leave you to sort through misinformation and t... read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

1 Week Later

Torre is a week old today, and Matt and I are seven days into parenthood. We ended up having kind of a hellish week, since Matt got food poisoning Monday night, then we both and my dad got the stomach... read more..

Jeff Larson

The Song of Solomon

This Bible cartoon implies King Solomon sang an actual song called The Song of Solomon read more..

Jeff Larson

chocolate bunnies

Beware Chocolate Easter bunnies, Easter morning is coming read more..

Jeff Larson

Jeff Larson

cupid suspended

Cupid is in violation of the school's no weapons policy, AND candy hearts has been delcared a controlled substance read more..

Jeff Larson

flannel pajamas

https://www.cybersalt.orghttps://www.cybersalt.orgThis Valentines cartoon features FLANNEL as romantic sleepwear... read more..

Jeff Larson

valentine dummy

This Valentines Day cartoon shares the risk of being cheap when buying your love a gift read more..

Jeff Larson

valentine heart shot

This Valentines Day cartoon serves as a warning to all men to NOT FORGET read more..

Jeff Larson

Valentines Gift Buying for Dummies

There really should be a Valentines Gift Buying for Dummies book available for Guys read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis

We Have a Son!

Torre (rhymes with Story) Clayton Sampson was born at home into my arms at 1:25am on February 10, 2013. He weighed 8 lbs and was 21 inches long. We are absolutely in love with him and savouring all th... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - February 10, 2013

Sunday greetings everyone! Yes it's been almost a month since I last posted.  Lets just say that January was one of the busiest and emotionally demanding Januarys I've had in a long time.  ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

New Recruit

As the family gathered for a big dinner together, the youngest son announced that he had just signed up at an army recruiter's office. There were audible gasps around the table, then some laughter, a... read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read

40 Weeks

Well, as you can see, watermelon week is over. Okay, maybe you can’t really see. The midwife says at this point the baby will continue to drop, and the amniotic fluid is depleting, so even though the ... read more..

Moving With God
Alyssa Davis
2 min read


Well, February is here! The Truck is not, yet, but I am happily counting down to my parents’ arrival on Thursday There is a lovely sense of calm in my days, making short lists of small projec... read more..

Ten Commandments
Pastor Tim

Don't Be Hot for Your Neighbour's Stuff

God knows what you need so don't lust after what your neighbour has. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20130203.mp3{/audio} Download {audio}podcast/sm20130203.mp3">   ... read more..

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