The cartoon for the day really inspired this blog thought...
We live in a world where monsters abide along side the rest of us..
Men and women so warped they do the most heinous things to the most innocent of victims.
The news has been full of these types of monsters and I have feelings like everyone else.
Feeling of disgust and an attitude of "get them for what they did."
I am stunned by the frequency of their attacks.
But I saw also that my feelings are initially to lock them up and more to the point lock them up so they never see the light of day again so long as the live. That would be the kindest of my thoughts for their future.

Then I read a cartoon like the one today and remember that some of those evil doers have come to Christ and repented of their atrocities...
I remember a while back a woman in Texas (I believe) was executed for brutally killing a couple who where haveing an affair at a hotel...she was very young when she commited the crime if I remember correctly and in the years since she had repented and asked Christ to be her Savior.She had been an instrument of the Lord until her death.
I believe that woman to be in Heaven with Paul and the others right now.
If we eliminate them (the commiters of attrocities) from our minds as redeemable there is truly no hope for them..
Paul killing the Christians seems tame to the brutalities we have seen in the news lately but the idea is the same...
Even a heinous evil doer  cannot be eliminated from the hope of Salvation...
You know sin is sin no matter the form it manifests itself!!

I cannot piously say anyone  deserves Hell ! For we all do !

Just my thoughts for today....